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Benjamin Pedersen
46 posts
GUI usability

I use the BEdit GUI on large files. I experience two problems:

  1. It often crashes or freezes. It seems to be on loads, e.g. on edits.

  2. It takes minutes to load. I imagine, it would be a significant structural change, but would it be possible to display loaded members before the entire file is loaded?

I also have a nice-to-have request:

  1. Is text editing for members and .bet files is on the backlog?
54 posts / 1 project
Co-founder and programmer of GameLoom Studio
GUI usability

Hello there,

I did find a crash for large files on reloads (either manually or by editing and auto-reloading) that I have as a high priority to fix. Of course, the crash you're experiencing doesn't have to be the same. So if you happen to have a crash dump, or would be interested in sharing the files I could have a look. You can share private files with me at [email protected].

The second point isn't actually that large of a change, and it is a change that is already in the works! Currently BEdit GUI spawns a thread and shows previous (if any) data while the new is being generated. But this is no longer possible with debugger support, as stepping over a line should reflect any members added in the UI before it reaches the end of file. Expect this to be improved in next release.

I think the third point is now the most requested feature :D I have it in backlog as #63. I also personally finds it annoying to alt-tab back and forth to a text editor, and as BEdit already has the basic text editing functionalities, I could see if I could get a "good enough" editor already in next release.

Benjamin Pedersen
46 posts
GUI usability

I have noticed that it always crashes, when I try to load a file while loading another.